Friday, January 24, 2014

We were looking for and adventure...and I think we got it. (Two Weeks in Doha)

We were looking for an adventure and I think we got it.  So far, everything is going as well as can be expected.  We are having good times and learning how to live as ex-pats in the Middle East.  I still can’t get over the fact that we are really here.  Every day, at least twice a day, I say to myself “I can’t freaking believe we did this”  (I don’t mean that in a bad way- it is just so surreal and this opportunity was totally unexpected and unplanned in my life). 

One of the biggest challenges is learning what to buy at the grocery store.  So many products, but very few are familiar brands.  And even the familiar brands often taste different- even Diet Coke and Snickers candy bars are reformulated for the middle eastern pallet.  We have managed to find cereal, bread, American style peanut butter, jam, Ritz crackers, Ramen noodles and a few other staples that the kids like.  Here is a picture of Remy and how happy she was when we found Ritz crackers (although they are different as well).

Don't let it fool you, it tastes just enough different that it leaves you confused.

Elise's favorite meal- nothin' like milk in a box (it is actually ok after you get used to it).

We have been to church twice now.  We have a small ward of members that seem to support each other here.  Sophia has been to mutual once and she liked it.  It’s really interesting how the members are from all over the world.  For example, the speakers today were from Alaska and India.  Our Sunday school teacher was from Scotland.  I realized during my second time at church that half of the Elders Quorum aren't even members of the church. It was really interesting to listen to the prayers being said over the loud speakers as we tried to listen to our lessons.  I stepped out for a minute before priesthood started and took a little video of it. 

Church in Doha

We are learning a lot of about the Muslim faith as we live here and we are growing to respect it.  It really isn’t very much like how it is portrayed through U.S. media sources. 

Walking to work is one of my favorite parts of the day.  It is about a 15 minute walk to work and I enjoy putting my headphones on and listening to my podcasts on U.S. news.  Even though it’s the same old stuff, it’s good to keep up with what is going on.  People drive like bats out of you know where here.  We have learned that timing is everything when crossing the street.  Here are a few pictures of my walk to work. 

I’m finding that the benefits of cheap energy are incredible.  For example, showering here is an experience.  Compared to the EPA mandated drip nozzles in the U.S., the water pours out of the shower like Niagra falls and is so warm.  The pool at the hotel is also warm, unlike the barely tolerable pools in the U.S.   It’s so nice to not get the shock treatment when you get in the pool here.  And the steam rooms are awesome.  We are talking unregulated, full on steam unprotected straight out of the nozzle.  Yea, it will burn you if you touch it. Awesome.  I never thought I would enjoy the spa so much.

Elise in pool (Remy is off in the distance).

I want to keep my posts short enough that they don’t get boring, so I’ll stop here.  Next time I want to write about the benefits of no minimum wage, how safe it is here (it feels really safe) and fragrances.


Friday, January 17, 2014

First Week in Doha

We arrived one week ago today in Doha, Qatar.  The first class flight from Dallas to Doha felt more like and experience, rather than travel.  You have a someone that waits on you the whole flight and gives you pretty  much whatever you want.  The seats fold down to beds and you choose whatever movie/TV show you want.  Unfortunately, I was so tired and I slept 10 of the 16 hours of flight.  I missed breakfast, which is a seven course fancy meal that you don't want to miss.

We were soon thrust back into the cold world when we got into the immigration line.  The girls has eyes as big as saucers, looking around at all the different cultures.  To ladies wearing the burkas reviewed our passports and visas. Sophie and Remy were trying to look as un-suspicious as possible.

After that, we went straight to collect our bags, only to find that one was missing.  The supervisor helped us find it after a 30 minute search, but we were very happy to have made it.  If felt like we just won a mini-marathon, having successfully arrived with all five of us and all 20 bags.  Weeks of preparation went into getting to that moment.

Coming out of the airport, John McEntire, Matt Von Trap (from the Doha ward), their daughters and 2 drivers were there to greet us.  They had been waiting for over an hour, but we were very glad to see them.  They helped orient us and get our bags on the hotel. It made a big difference in knowing we had people we could reach out to so soon.

Our taxi driver couldn't find our hotel.  Doha has three million people, thousands of multi-million building, but very few street names (an no one really knows the street names for the streets that have names).  Everyone just knows landmarks, like "the Tornado building" or "the W".  If you ask for directions, they just say it is by something else.  That doesn't work so well for newbies.

We arrived at our hotel and checked in.  The girls were, for the first time, a little culture shocked by all the traditional Qatari dress and all the different cultures.  Nearly everyone here has an accent, depending on where they come from.  We were all very tired (eveyone but me), so we checked in an went straight to our apartment on the 23rd floor. First impressions- beautiful view, bigger than I thought it would be, unique fragrance, three bedrooms, and two baths (there are actually three, but we didn't even realize that until a few days later).

Although I had to be at work the next day, I spend most of the evening unpacking.  I even set up the ol' xbox one and skyped Andrew (my brother).  It was good to know that I had established a link to the homefront already.  

A drive came to take me to work at 8:00 a.m. to my on-boarding meeting.  He took every back road imaginable.   I walked in and someone took me to a room with 6 others- two Qatari's wearing white robes and the head dress, a nuclear physicist from France, an HR specialist from England- from what I remember.  I didn't know what the meeting was about- but once I broke the ice and asked what was going on the everyone said they were new as well.  I signed some things, completed paperwork, talked with the Director, ect. From there they took me to my main office in the Tornado tower.

I'm getting tired of writing now, so I'll provide details later about the rest of the week.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

We spent the morning at Disneyland, again... In the afternoon we went to Newport Beach.

Sea Lion! I think it lost it's mama. Some of the people were feeding it fish.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Still at Disneyland. Remy Driving... yikes... I was hoping we could wait until age 16...

1) Tiffany slaving away at Minnie's house.
2) Mickey, of course. Anyone have a brush?
3) That bear that likes honey. Everyone's smiling....

First day at Disneyland- I think this was Splash Mountain, but I am not sure. We were all drenched by the end. Elise's teeth were chattering and Sophie was freaking out. Remy was excited for the ride. Camera still

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Sophie was recenlty baptized. Here are some pictures we took right before going to the batptism.

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